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Max Barry | he writes thingsMax Barry, author of Lexicon, Jennifer Government, Providence, Syrup, Machine Man, and Company
About | Ron Feingold - Corporate Entertainer Inspiring Stand Up ComeRon is a Corporate Entertainer Inspiring Stand Up Comedian with his unique presentation entitled The Power of the Smile. As an Inspirational Speaker he writes customized songs for his audience based on the questionnair
MARK BANKS - South African Stand-up Comedian and Actor - Quotes & BookNot only is Mark Banks one of the most respected and recognised stand-up comedians, he comes with almost three decades of experience! Hard to top that. What makes Mark a world-class act is that he writes his own material
Sourabh Mukherjee | Indian Author | Thriller Author | Novels | Short SSourabh Mukherjee is a popular Indian author known for his thrillers. He writes stories that deal with the inner recesses of our minds.
Flag of Israel - WikipediaThe idea that the blue and white colors were the national color of the Jewish people was voiced early on by Ludwig August von Frankl (1810–94), an Austrian Jewish poet. In his poem, Judah's Colors , he writes: GuestAdventure Travel - Best Hotels - Best Tours - Places to Visit - Travel Advice - Walking Tours GuestAdventure Travel - Best Hotels - Best Tours - Places to Visit - Travel Advice - Walking Tours
Western FictioneersMark plays guitar and writes songs. He plays tennis and loves to get lost in the woods. He reads Western short stories and mystery novels before going to bed. He digs history, theology, good thriller films, classic rock
Yellow Stripes Dead Armadillos A safe place for moderates in a polA Roundup of Other Moderate Voices Get Some New Players In a piece which appeared in the Wisconsin State Journal on February 13th, syndicated columnist Froma Harrop offered three pieces of advice for Democrats: be quiet
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